
Blind Shipment

Blind Shipment

What Is Blind Shipping?

Blind shipping is a unique shipping arrangement where the consignee (the recipient of the goods) is unaware of the shipper’s identity, and/or the shipper is unaware of the consignee’s identity. This method is often used in the freight industry to protect supplier relationships, maintain confidentiality, and prevent direct contact between the supplier and the end customer.

In a standard shipping scenario, the bill of lading, a crucial document in the shipping process, typically contains both the shipper’s and the consignee’s details. However, in blind shipping, this information is either altered or hidden to maintain anonymity. This approach is particularly beneficial in a drop-shipping model, where a third party, such as a wholesaler or manufacturer, directly ships to the end customer on behalf of the retailer.

The effectiveness of blind shipping lies in its ability to preserve the anonymity of the supply chain parties. It allows businesses to protect their supplier lists and customer data, which are vital competitive assets. Moreover, blind shipping is instrumental in preventing conflicts of interest in the supply chain, especially in scenarios where a supplier might also be a competitor.