Whats New

Invoice Search and Trade Partner Management Optimization
What’s New

Invoice Search and Trade Partner Management Optimization

Invoice Search Optimization

The Invoice Search function under Payment has been optimized for flexible search. Users can now see open invoices from different customers in the same search result.

Better Trade Partner Mapping Experience

Mapping EDI-generated trade partner data can now be more easily organized with the option to turn on the Light-Create TP (dummy TP) function.

When a trade partner sent by EDI does not match a Normal TP stored in your system, a Light-Create TP will appear to be the placeholder in the corresponding shipment. Users will see a reminder message and be directed to map trade partners before proceeding.

The Light-Create TP is designed to temporarily exist before users map it to a Normal TP. It will not appear in the Trade Partner List nor in shipment entry pages. You can expect less confusion while choosing the correct trade partner for a shipment and an overall more effective trade partner management in the future.

Note: This feature is now available for GoFreight customers who are using Agent EDI. Please contact support@gofreight.co to activate.

A Trade Partner Mapping List is also now available on the navigation bar. This is a centralized list for managers to organize all auto-created trade partners.

Simply check the status and review trade partners that need further mapping, or create a new record directly by converting the Light-Create TP into a Normal TP.

The new feature is activated by default for users with manager-level permission and is available for both GoFreight EDI/Agent EDI customers.

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